Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nature's Wonder Medicines - Honey, Garlic and Vinegar

I was rummaging around in my bedroom the other day for a particular book, without much success I have to say.

Now anyone who knows me will testify to you that my house is so crammed with books that it somewhat resembles a mini-library. However, my organisational skills do not in any way resemble that of a professional librarian, so you can imagine what a jumble of titles and genres you will come across while looking around for a specific book.

So instead of persisting in my search, I was distracted by a book I had long forgotten about. What caught my eye were the capital letters HGV. So there I sat, cross-legged on the floor of my bedroom with my nose stuck in a HGV book.

But before you start to scratch your head in wonder believing I had suddenly developed a passion for driving heavy goods vehicles, do not worry, I am not considering getting a tattoo and hanging out of a lorry cab window shouting 'alright love' to any passing young men at motorway service stations.

Something to ponder though!

No, this book was on the subject of Honey, Garlic and Vinegar. These three potent ingredients have some wonderful health benefits individually, but when you combine them together you get a triple whammy of healing powers that doctors are now proving scientifically.

Did you know for example that raw, unpasteurized honey contains a complex mix of organic acids, esters, enzymes, antibiotic agents, trace minerals, and plant pigment to name but a few. This is why you see such a price difference between natural, raw honey, and regular jars of honey found in the supermarket that have been pasteurized. So when cooking with honey always go for the cheaper brands and keep the expensive stuff to eat as it is.

Most people will already be aware of the health benefits of garlic, and how it can lower bad fats in the blood stream to help prevent heart disease. But did you know it can also help to strengthen your immune system to prevent or fight off colds and flu. For those of us leading a busy life where we cannot afford to slow down, or take time out to nurse a cold, it could pay you to eat more garlic to help ward off all those nasty bugs circulating the office each winter.

Vinegar has to be one of our most ancient substances estimated to have been in use for well over 10,000 years. If you wanted to invent a liquid that can be used internally for good health, externally for disinfecting wounds, and could also be used as an effective household cleaner - you would have hit a gold mine with vinegar.

Around 2,400 years ago, Hippocrates was renowned for prescribing vinegar to cure all manner of ills amongst his patients. You could say that in those times vinegar was the equivalent of aspirin today.

One of the earliest diet drinks was believed to be used by ancient Persians to rid the body of fatty deposits, and this was made from vinegar and citric fruit juice. So maybe our diet obsessed nation are no so different to our ancient ancestors after all.

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